Thursday, May 5, 2011

it namely the subsistence and evolution of person society

Chapter V of human nature and basic structure of society
one, the material basis of human society and nature
The basic problem of history is the history of social history in understanding the phenomenon of people to solve social problems when to the fundamental point of view. of social existence and social consciousness of the relations is the basic problem of history. of social existence are the material aspects of social life, social practice and the sum of material life conditions, including information on the production of material life, the geographical environment and demographic factors; social consciousness is the spiritual aspect of social life, both as including all forms of social consciousness, including the spontaneous formation of social psychology and customs, and habits. how to deal with social being and social consciousness is to distinguish between historical materialism and the relationship between The key historical idealism. before the birth of Marxist philosophy, all the philosophical schools, if idealist or materialist are not correctly solve this problem, because they do not understand the material production practices in social life, the status and role, and thus can not understand the nature of our society, do not understand the social existence and social consciousness of the true relationship. Marxist philosophy reveals the social life of the practice of nature, and thus materialism to dialectical solution to the social existence and social consciousness of the relations. Marx pointed out: Social consciousness is a reflection of social existence, and dynamically reacts to social existence.
2. geographic and demographic factors in the social role of the formation and development of human society and the harmonious development of nature
development of human society from nature is the natural history of a excellent leap forward. The generation leap, both life and even the great monkeys have a natural premise, but too an opportunity to go for the transformation of the pragmatic basis, which is the key to work. labor is between man and nature material transformation and the vigor transition process is a affirmative transformation of human nature, the fundamental sign is in production tools. labor as the interaction between social and material processes of nature, the need fall butciety to form, this is the way of material production . geographical environment, population and material production usages constitute the material conditions of human society, that social existence, and reflects the physical nature of human society.
geographical environment or the natural environment and human society is the relative position Contact the sum of the various natural conditions, natural conditions of human existence, it adopted a human practice the elements of social existence, social development plays a role to accelerate or tarry. provide social geography of material needed natural sources of social existence and development of the necessary necessity. As the earth's natural resources are limited, in certain technical conditions, its development and use is restricted; the same time, the geographical environment is a natural conditions consisting of an organic whole, they are interrelated and interact to form a complex ecosystem. When the eco-system to maintain proper poise and be favorable to human survival and social development; when the ecological environment has been broke, it will cause risks, human nature must be penalized. Therefore, the rational use of natural resources, enhance environmental protection and maintaining ecological balance, prevent environmental pollution, in accordance with the laws of natural law and social transformation of the natural environment to human survival and development of human society of great practical significance.
any premier prelude of human history is the existence of life, private, community, via the people and their activities (first production) apt demonstrate its materiality. Population production and stuff production in human history exist and interact in the meantime, constitute the basic units of social subsistence. population factors are engaged in the production and the sum of self-production of human. who is the subject of social life, the population ingredient is the social existence and development of the essential conditions for its social evolution plays one important role. population, resources, surroundings, economic and social development are integrated into 1 coordinated, is today the earth faces a important task, such a great population in China, developing countries, comparative absence of resources extra special significance.
3. social production practices and production methods in the development of human society and the role of nature and population
exist insulated from each other, not elements of society, either through the mode of production can only translate into elements of society. production operators and labor file is combined with a special path, is the consensus of productive forces and production relations, which reflects the concentration of material of human society. First, the mode of production, productivity and embodies the reality of people transform ecology material coerce is attained between man and nature, material commute, and access to material results; Secondly, people in the material relations of production occurred in the material production of social relations, reflecting the activities of the exchange between people, the existence of man's will; third, the unity of productive forces and relations of production constitute the modes of production and make a portion of nature into the social and material living conditions, the biological reality of people who
mushroom. So to the method of social existence as the gist material of social relations, physical, material strength and unity of material relationship is a material existence, which constitutes the material of human society's singular emblem, and profoundly reflects the social and natural the internal unity between.
production is not only the physical nature of human society embodies, it is the existence and development of human society, the decisive force. First, the mode of production is the basis upon which human society,guangzhou escort, human society This special alphabetical material burden. production makeup and the relationship it embodies the material of social relations, the whole social organism of the organisms of the . What variety of production will have any kind of social structure and social outlook. differ modes of production representation of different kinds of social forms. Third, the determination to change the mode of production changes in the social history to determine the replacement of social forms. Therefore, the social history of the ultimate analysis, the history of material production, is the replacement of production history.
4. social practice
how to understand the nature of the nature of society, which is the core publish of history, philosophy of history is also the factions a converge of argument. In before the birth of communist philosophy, people do not actually understand and grasp the nature of society, the main point of view there are three: First, the deification of human society, the theological view of history, and second, to the spirit of the idealism of human society Marxist view of history and the third is the human history of social natura naturalized. the three basis epistemological point of view is general practice does not understand its situation and role in society, can not penetrate the point of view of social practice. < br> by Marxist philosophy and practice of human role in social life full of that .
First of all, practice is the birthplace of social relations. Practice is a purpose, a conscious transformation of the material world of social activities, practice inherently includes the triple relationship, that relationship between man and nature, human relations and the relationship between man and his own consciousness, these relations constitute the most basic of human social relations,he namely no sitting by the chart with your home apt enjoy the savory turkey and consonant Music, that is, social relations and material social relations, ideology, and thus the practice of human activity is the birthplace of social relations.
Second, the practice constitutes the social basic zones of life. There are three basic types of practice, that the practice of fabrication material information, the creation and transformation of social relations and cultural practice and the practice of creative morale. This practice constitutes the three basic zones of social life, namely, the material life of society , political life and spiritual life, and the object into the cloth of society, namely economic structure of society, political structure and the concept of structure.
Third, practice constitutes the social development. social development of major changes in social relations and changes in social structure, and social relations, social structure is the object of human practice and practice to be carried out of the foundation, accordingly, the driving force of social development will not be produced in the practice of human activities, it can only be formed in person's practice. production practices constitute a fundamental driving force of social development, productivity is the ultimate decisive force of social development, and productivity is source of power.
confirm the nature of social train, not a negative social material, it is a more profound portrayal of the human society, the special nature of material, in order to reveal the technological decrees of social development and cater momentum and basis.
5. social history of normal history
Marx said: people create their own history, social law is the law of human activities, which indicate that the development of human society is different from the nature of the development. the depth of historical materialism is that it is through human history and natural history distinctions between the surface and reveals both the similarities at a deeper level, the social and historical understanding of the natural historical process, and clarify the nature of human society, while having different characteristics, but the essence is the same as a physical system of nature, its development is One of man's will to meet the objective law of the process. This is the study of communism and social life from the practice of beginning the inevitable conclusion painted is the history of human society and the nature of the high level of scientific generalization. This view of the significance of is: it is the people's understanding of social history has laid the foundation of science, make it possible to the accurate natural sciences to examine the social and historical viewpoint; it to the proletariat and the revolutionary people's practice of transforming society to provide an objective basis, to the people to know about the laws of social development and the transformation of the community's trust and strength, so more consciously build their own history.
6, society is constantly self-renewing organism
social organism thought in the estate of Marxist philosophy important position, it gives us a comprehensive understanding of the internal structure of society, growth mechanisms and the law of motion provides a scientific methodology. social life and biological film has a generated based on practice in the production of continuous self-renewal of the organism, the whole social body is based on practice in the production derived.
include all the social organism is the relationship between social life and its overarching category that is the production of human society based on a diversity of methods exist and interdependent relationship between the overall composition. Compared with biological organisms and social organisms have three basic characteristics: First, the social organism formed in people's practice and exchange activities. social organism causes in human practice, but man's practice is to use the tools, activities, tools, implementation of the human body apparatus function, it belongs to the people separately from the body organ, the nature of super-individual will not die with the necrosis of the individual, can proceed to be copied, switch between different individuals, tools, become an middleman between individuals adjoin each other. It is human activities that use tools to contact people as an organic whole. Society was formed in the people of the organism directly exchanges between activities. society is the product of interaction between people, the interaction between people is communication between individuals. It is this with the tools and language as a media of communication between individuals forming a social organism. The second social organism is a human body with self-consciousness of the organism. Human society is a high degree of organic body, it has self-awareness, self-organized social organism, since the correction process is self-aware, is in some conscious form. Third, social organisms, the internal machinery of regeneration and renewal of material production, production and people's own production of the spirit of unity. social organism to survive, must be carried out continuously between man and nature material transformation, non-stop for material production. society must also be spiritual production, this is a social organism to retain relationships in the master. social organism to preserve their existence, but also the need for the production of human beings, namely, the proliferation of category. material production, the spirit of man's own production is the production and the basic aspects of social play, It is in these three production process, the community became significance lies in the methodology: First, as in the development of social life in the body; Second is the common research community, in general to understand and unravel the various parts. is to query the individual from the social phenomenon or process areas increased to learn the whole of society. Only a holistic approximate to really understand the part, only the individual social phenomenon, or process areas into the society as a whole in order to obtain the correct understanding and description. the party's scientific concept of development in the comprehensive development of > Second, the economic structure of society
1. social and economic structure of the content and functionality, productivity of the meaning, elements and features
social structure refers to the social elements are interconnected style, the content is human the sum of social relations between, and economic structure, political structure and the conception of combining the structure constitutes the basic structure of society. social and economic structure is the same stage of development of pregnant forces have to adapt to the sum of relations of production. Marx pointed out: ; people in their lives happened in the social production of a decisive, inevitable, and not to their will of man, ie with their material productive forces for a decisive stage of development of relations of production. the sum of these relations of production constitutes the community economic structure may become a reality by the productivity of the pregnant forces, and counter-productivity, enhance or hinder the development of productive forces. Second, it instantly determines the political structure and concepts of social structure, political structure and the conception of the structure constitutes a root in reality. Therefore, Marx another for the sum of the economic structure of production relations is phoned the economic found in array to correspond with the superstructure.
to grip the nature of social and economic structure, we must first comprehend the composition and characteristics of the productive forces.
productivity is one solution Social conflicts with the substantial natural competence to transform nature to encounter human absences of society's material. In philosophy, productivity is a sign of the real amplitude of human transformation of nature and the substantial capability of the species, which signified that the relationship between man and nature.
Productivity is exists as a system, which consists of several elements. factors of production are generally divided into two categories, one for the substantive elements, one element of the intelligence or penetration.
productivity in the labor formed, the object of labor, of labor and peasants constitute the basic elements of productivity.
object of labor is the labor of the people through their own processing, making it a use amount to meet the social needs of that part of material It includes raw natural objects and objects have been processed. the one hand, the object of labor premise of material production, labor is only combined with the object of labor, will constitute a real productivity. On the other hand, the object of labor is to win the people the extent and productivity of the natural development of a VI, a different object of labor directly restricts the level of development of productive forces.
of labor is that people in the labor process to change or affect the work of material objects or material conditions, is between the media and the object of labor. The maximum important production tool, it is an objective scale development level of productive forces is the division of the material sign of economic times. Marx said: what, but preferably how to generate, with the means of labor. of labor is not only the development of measuring instruments of human labor, but also the social relations of labor to be an indicator. br> worker is a certain experience in production, labor skills and wisdom and practice of people engaged in production. It is the primary productivity of the factors leading role, is the most decisive factor in productive forces. the composition of production and labor will constitute a real productivity.
2. Science and Technology and Productivity
(1) Science and technology are primary productive forces
system in terms of productivity, in adding to the object of labor, of labor and workers outside those entities of the elements , there is intelligence that science and technology elements. Science and technology are the productivity of knowledge form, the general productivity, which can penetrate into the workers of labor and labor objects and cause changes in these basic elements, into a direct productivity. In modern times, science and technology's role in productivity and agreeable pile up important in economic growth, an increasing proportion. Science is a production of a technology integration,shanghai escort, formed the starting point of science, science-a technical one production of two-way action, science and technology of modern productivity growth point, a discovery, and the determining factor. Thus, Deng Xiaoping pointed out: and the important role of the scientific summary, is a Marxist not only by the composite system consisting of multiple elements, or the performance of dynamic multi-level system, which includes advanced, general and behind productive forces, which advanced productive forces are the most productive large-scale systems active part. a productive, but also embodies the progressive productive forces and the main signs. be seen, productivity is between man and nature, the ability of material transformation. The transformation process, on the one hand people ; the other hand, the external forces of nature to be assimilated in the person's physical and natural laws of human intelligence is the process of assimilation. both interdependence and common restraint, the formation of two-way movement. These two aspects constitute the unity of the essence of productivity.
productivity of objectivity is A man's will is not an objective of the material strength. Productivity is the objective elements of the material composition, it is first as a material entity exists; productivity is the result of people to the past practice is a vested material force; productivity is that people of all present production practices, and the material basis fknow next to nothing ofcial activities, the continued development of our society to the point of departure.
productivity with social, which was formed in the material production activities of people, is the man the results of practical ability, but forever exists in a certain social relationship. Therefore, productivity is actually working in collaboration, division of labor mediated the formation of social forces.
productivity historic, that with the the activities of people and change history. Labor is the human need for intrinsic motivation, and human needs and development of history, so the internal driving force for sustainable development of productive forces has, it is always to develop, will not always stay in one level, it is the most active and most revolutionary force.
3. the nature of the relations of production and the internal structure
object of labor, of labor and personnel only in certain social forms will constitute a real productivity, this form of society is the economic structure of society.
from the content point of outlook, is the economic building of society the narratives of production. production relations is that people in the material are not formed in the production process to the people's will for economic relations .
relations of production as a whole, has its internal structure. from a static point of view, the relations of production by the ownership relations of production, the production of human relationships and product delivery relationships form. three aspects of the relations of production are interrelated and retard each other, in which the means of production relations is fundamental, aspect of the decision, it forms the basis for all relations of production. This is because only the ownership relations, can the productivity of human and material elements combine to make the productivity of the possible of a reality; only the nature of the means of production, people and objects with the specific ways and means to discriminate between social and economic structure is the basic brand; production relations determine the ownership of other aspects of the relations of production. From the dynamic point of view, the production relationship is reflected in the whole process of social production, ie production, delivery, exchange and consumption of the four sessions. people in the process of straight production, delivery, exchange and expense relationship is formed in the relations of production. In short, the relations of production is based on the means of production, from production, distribution, exchange and expense constitute the unity of the four areas.
relations of production is an objective matter of social relations. relations of production, when a relationship between man and man, but It is formed in the material production process is the relationship of man's will. First, the relations of production is objective, in essence, a form of social productive forces, whose nature is insistent by the productive forces, what kind of productivity, what kind of people to form relations of production. People can not depart the development of productive forces, relations of production are free to prefer, we can not arbitrarily change the relations of production. Secondly, the relations of production is a material amuse, it embodies between people material economic interests, not the people's subjective wishes and requirements.
in the real society, is often a variety of relations of production exist and interact, interaction, social and economic structure refers to the sum of a variety of production relations. production relations in a variety of relations of production must have a dominant, played a leading role. It is this dominant relations of production determine the nature of social and economic structure. Marx pointed out: certain other kinds of production decisions and affect the status of all production, and thus it also determines all other relations between the position and inspire. This is a shining light, it covers all other colors, changing their characteristics.
development in social and economic structure, process, and linked to specific economic structure, there has been a special class of people Community mm. The first is an economic category of class. class is the division of people in a particular socio-economic structure in the different at different position and form a relationship decision. the essence of the class is that it is linked to specific production relations in the economic status in different social groups or community groups. relations of production preoccupy different classes are divided basis. class offensive is the essence of some people in society so occupied with the other part of production human labor. class is the first economic thing, after it formed, what will the political and ideological, feelingful and lifestyle aspects reflected, the performance a wide scope of functions, but the root occasion of the economy. class is a historical category. .
Third, social and political structure of
1. social and political structure and its elements
political structure of society is built aboard altitude of the economic structure, political and lawful infrastructure, political and lawful system and its interrelated way, including political parties, administration institutions, army, police, courts and jails as well as substantive elements of the organizational form of government, legislative, judicial, constitutional and regulatory and other institutional factors. correspond with the economic base and political structure known as a political superstructure.
political superstructure is that people under the requirements of the economic base, and through the formation of people's consciousness, is intention of implementing the idea, it is through people's analytic and established social relations, so it is derivative, secondary. society's political structure is the concentrated reflection of the economic interests of the class, which built on the economic structure on services for the economic structure. economy is the foundation, politics is the concentrated wording of the economy. Politics is both a centralized economy is concentrated up to a certain class interests, thus more mainly for economic basis, to achieve a certain class interests. the evolution of political structures has its relative independence, which one way or another affect or interfere with economic movement. must be real economic structure, create the suitable political structures, and in agreement with the requirements of the development of economic structural changes, adjustments, or changes in political structure.
political structure of society, state power is the core. political structure of the whole social system in a controlling part of the state power is its control center, is the basic settings to run the political system.
2. State the nature and functions of the
state is generated as a result class, is the product of irreconcilable class contradictions and performance. countries to show that the existence of irreconcilable class contradictions. countries the concept is essentially a class political context, it is a tool of class rule, is a class rule another class violence agencies.
the nature of state functions through the country, namely, the social role of the State shown. the country is divided into inner functions and outer appearances. internal functions include political functions, economic functions and social functions. outdoor the main functions of the union of national defense,beijing massage, barricade of alien invasion and subversion and shield national sovereignty and territorial integrity, to modify the relationship between countries, conservation the fundamental interests of the nation.
countries with class, equitable as the range of history, it will dead out with the disposal of the class. proletarian dictatorship is a new type of state of countries, it is from a class society to a classless society in transition.
Fourth, the cultural structure of
1. social and cultural structure and ideology
(1) the meaning of cultural structure and cultural structure of society
primarily constituted by the social ideology, a social ideology as the main content of the basic structure of faith systems. social ideology is reflected in a certain socio-economic forms, which reflected a certain class hardly evercial group interests and demands of the concept of system. those who do not necessarily reflect the interests and demands of social groups, In a class society in the form of consciousness does not have a class nature, such as natural science, linguistics, formal logic, these non-ideological social and cultural structure is an important part. social and cultural structure is the masterpiece of political and legal thinking, ethics, religion, philosophy, science has identified a systematic standardized way of correlating the formation of social attitudes and the organic system. as a cultural structure of the chief part of the ideology of an ideological superstructure, which together constitute the same political structure of the social superstructure overall.
(2) the nature of ideology, ideology is a social consciousness
category. the existence of social consciousness and social philosophy of the corresponding category. of social existence, including their material production and material living conditions, mainly referring to material Information of production. social consciousness is an overview of the elements of all human consciousness and ideology as well as all the cerebral phenomena of human society and its processes. in various forms of social consciousness, which reflect economic fundamentals and awareness of the economic basis for the form, said as ideology.
Marx said: form of nature. the specific performance are: (1) ideology is rooted in social existence, what kind of society, there exists what kind of ideology, ideology is concrete and abstract ideology does not exist; (2 ) ideology of development as the development of social existence, ideology is a historical, unchanging ideology does not exist; (3) In a class society, ideology has a class character, super-class ideology does not exist a; (4) in a society, the ideology of the ruling class is the dominant ideology, as in the economic and political dominance of the class, ideological, spiritual are jump to dominate.
social being determines social consciousness, social consciousness is a reflection of the rule of social existence, is the basic conviction of historical realism, to our understanding of manifold political, legal, moral, religious minds have important methodological significance, it has assist us to reveal a heap of ideas as reflected in substantial social content and class. bourgeois Enlightenment savants such as bourgeois ideology. proletariat has its own freedom, parity, human rights concept,shanghai massage, which absorb the history of freedom, equality, the concept of spirited ingredients in the meantime, also gives the new social content, higher than entire before class, forming a new concept of human rights concept of human rights.
(3) the relative independence of ideological and social functions
ideology rooted in social existence, but it once generated, it will have relative independence, and has special features. mainly In:
First, ideological alteration and development with social alteration and development there may not be entirely synchronized. ideology sometimes lag back the social existence of the society to restrict; sometimes will foresee the hereafter of social existence trends, the development of society play a catalytic role, yet this is merely relative. outmoded ideology tin not be eliminated in its material basis to exist long later, the current ideology is only made in the community already has a new task possible only when the conditions.
Second, the development of ideological historical inheritance. a certain stage of historical development, ideology, the content is mainly reflect the reality of social existence, but also digestion, save in the elapse the formation of some of the ideological materials innovation. This response is that it the different groups, classes, especially among the verdict class interests and demands into human thought, emotion, will, in order to control people's deeds, thus affecting the economic structure of society and political structures.
reality ideological position in society is more complex. Generally speaking, often in the form of each society, there are three Ideology: Anti-should be the dominant social relations of production and the ideology of the political system; the old social ideology, it reflects are being eliminated have been eliminated and the old relations of production; reflect the growth of existing society with new social factors of the new ideology. a heap of ideologies ...

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