Wednesday, April 27, 2011

recent years

April 22 every year is .1970 on April 22, the United States held the premier large the beginning of the modern environmental activity of human,shanghai massage, The theme is how to cultivate the overall global environment. The activities of the United Nations agreement, after which the 22 April each year was identified for the induce human love the globe, protect the matherland awareness, enhance the coordinated development of resource evolution and environmental protection. World Earth Day every year, there is not characteristic theme of international unity, and its overall theme is forever the , China each year are held April 22 Earth Day movement, resolved in consensus with the theme year.
Earth is the prevalent family. However, in recent decades,the countryside cadres questioned some of the villagers, peoples get from nature in the highest resources, merely also one unprecedented pace of global environmental dispose,beijing massage, universal air and environmental changes so rapidly. Statistics show that: Since 1860, meteorological instrument observations aboard log, the global mean temperature increases at 0.6 degrees Celsius, the warmest 13 years behind 1983 were .20 in the 80's, the global number of human affected by catastrophes each year one average of 147 million, and 90 to the 20th century, the diagram rose to 2.11 billion. The deterioration of the normal context is likewise a solemn menace to brutal species on the planet. Today nigh 12% of bird species and a quarter of mammals threatened with extinction, overfishing has led to exhaustion of fish stocks one-third.
recent years, with environmental awareness spread and strengthening of the international community is gradually catching relevant fathom to protect the global environment, and initial results set .2000

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